Friday, March 1, 2013


Today marks the beginning of National Women's History Month. I've been thinking about the concept of equality all week, actually, as I've participated in a celebration of cultures at my office. Thinking about how far we have come in our country regarding women's rights and representation, and how far we still have to go in many social justice arenas, I am struck by just how amazing Jesus' ministry was during the time period in which he walked the earth.

Helena Hill Weed, Norwalk, Conn. Serving 3-day sentence in D.C. prison for carrying banner, 'Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Jesus really pushed the envelope during his earthly ministry. Jesus advocated for the very lowest of the low, and included among his friends people from the most despised social groups at the time. In his time, those people included women and children (who had no rights, no recognition, no power, no voice), diseased and disabled people, beggars and the homeless, tax collectors (who were highly scorned), and people of political persuasions in direct opposition to the political, religious, and social leaders of the times.

I wonder what that might look like today? Do you ever wonder that? Do you ever stop to think who Jesus might befriend today? Would his friends so shock us that we would be blown away? Sometimes I wonder if many Christians would follow Jesus if he were present with us in the flesh and we saw who he chose as friends. Sometimes I wonder if we would be the Pharisees and Sadducees instead of fishers of men.

I don't mean to suggest that Jesus would condone unlawful or immoral behavior. But I do know that we are commanded to love the person, whether or not we condone their actions. But what does that look like in action?

It's so easy to look away. We do it every day. I do it every day.

Poverty and children are two areas where Jesus was passionate. I know it is overwhelming to think about all of the social injustices in our society. It's so easy to look away and think that someone else will handle it…someone else has more money, more knowledge, more capability. If we consider Women's History Month as an example, not of poverty but of overwhelming odds against social justice, it becomes clear that one person CAN make a difference. In fact, forget Women's History Month--just look at Jesus' ministry!  One person changed the entire course of mankind!

In fact, one person OFTEN makes a huge difference. Poverty, particularly in other countries, is tough to think about. I think sometimes our first inclination as westerners is to try to "Walmart-ize" the poverty-stricken. We want instant suburbia for these folks…large houses, air conditioning…but that isn't what poverty is about. Poverty is about providing basics, but also about providing VOICE. Poor people, particularly children, simply have no voice. They have no options. They are masters to the events happening around them instead of masters OF the events happening around them.

We can't correct all the social injustices in the world individually, but we can make a difference for one. We can be the eyes that SEE one child, that give VALUE to that child, that show LOVE to that child. Be the ONE who makes a difference today! You never know…you might be sponsoring the ONE who discovers a cure for cancer, or wins the next Nobel Peace Prize, or simply ONE who decides to live for Jesus.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Awesome post, Sonja. Again, so beautifully written.

    1. Thank you! I so appreciate your comments!
